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Summer Internship at Humatics






I had the chance to intern at Humatics for Summer 2020. Being my first job in the States, I was excited about this opportunity. My internship was with the Rail Engineering Team. Humatics deals with the microlocation technology, enabled with the UltraWideBand radios. My key responsibilities were as follows:

  • Setup CI/CD platform for UWB radio embedded software

  • Implement Ranging tests on radios using ROS as the inter process communication platform

  • Setup HIL testing of the radios at a remote location


Over the course of 3 months, I got exposure to various technologies. Amongst various platforms, I got to work on Jenkins, Artifactory and SonarCloud to implement the CI/CD pipeline. I implemented the complete system on AWS EC2 instance. This was a steep learning curve, and gave me valuable lessons along the way (most importantly, never enable the firewall unless you still have ssh access to the server!).


The second part of my responsibility was to setup the HIL testing at the Humatics office. This too was implemented on AWS, and involved Python scripting. Working remotely did present its own challenges, but the work was fun to do.


The system I developed will soon be implemented on the New York City Metro project. Feels great to know your work is actually useful, doesnt it?

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