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                       ABU ROBOCON 2017


About Robocon:

Robocon is a robotics competition organized by the ABU across the Asia-Pacific region. Each year, the host nation sets a particular theme, and teams are given 8 months to prepare. The winner at the national level get to represent their country at the International competition.


Our team had developed the robot for this competition, called Deadshot.











Deadshot was based on an omni-directional mechanum wheel based system. The 4 motors, which were used to drive the robot were coupled with optical encoders. PID drive was implemented using these encoders, in conjunction with LM629, a PID driver IC.

Deadshot shot to a maximum distance of 30 meters. The trajectory of the frisbee could be varied by changing the inclination of the firing plane and varying the pressure. An Electronic Pressure Regulator was used for varying the pressure.


Our team won the National Championship, and represented India at Tokyo, Japan for the International Championship, where we finished 6th amongst 19 nations

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