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RFID Attendance Machine


The RFID attendance machine was developed in the 3rd year of my undergraduate studies, as the miniproject.

The college had provided the students with RFID identity cards. It had the details of the students stored in. We developed an attendance machine capable of detecting the RFID cards and marking the students present for the particular lecture.











                              User interface                                                       Internal wiring and circuitry  

The device consisted of 5 main parts:- Main controller (Atmega32), GUI Board (Atmega128), RFID Reader MFRC522, Touch keypad and LiPo battery.

The device could be configured as per the needs of the professor. It also had a Real Time Clock for logging in the time of attendance. The attendance data could be stored in the SD card, and could be viewed in Excel format as per the requirement of the professor. The body was made of acrylic, making the device light weight and easy for the professor to carry from class to class.


The following report explains in-depth the various aspects of this device:







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