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Voting Machine


Every year, College of Engineering, Pune arranges General Elections for multiple posts. Given the huge number of students who usually turn up for voting, it is difficult to conduct the voting by ballot paper method. Hence, me and my team provided the election body with a voting machine capable of successfully conducting voting for the students in a trustworthy manner.











                                  Control Unit                                                                 Ballot Unit


The machine consisted of 2 parts, the Control Unit and a Ballot unit. The Ballot unit was used for casting the votes. Instead of using traditional push buttons, capacitive touch buttons were used in order to increase the life of the machine. The selected candidates name would then light up, indicating to the voter the choice he had made.

The Control unit was where the votes would be stored. It was with the voting officials. It had capacitive touch buttons for easy operation, as well as a touch screen interface in order to see the result and the end of voting. RFID scanning was provided in order to verify the identity of the voter in accordance with the college records.



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